Become an EU GreenBuilding (Corporate) Partner
Any company that invests in the energy efficiency of its buildings and increases the use of renewable energy can obtain EU GreenBuilding Partner status. To do so they must meet the following requirements:
Renovating service buildings: Energy savings of at least 25% compared to energy consumption or energy requirement before refurbishment (verified at the final and primary energy level).
New service buildings: the final (or primary) energy requirement is at least 25% lower than the final (or primary) energy requirement value stipulated by the national building regulations or building laws of the EU member states. In Austria, verification is carried out at the final energy level. Failing to meet either the heating or induced cooling requirements set by the individual federal states will still be considered a partial optimisation objective.
Planned, under construction and completed building projects can all be submitted.
Projects which have achieved partner status can be recognised by the EU GreenBuilding logo and certificate.
All EU GreenBuilding partners and their associated new construction and refurbishment projects are displayed on the website of the national contact point, the IBO.
Companies and organisations wishing to obtain partner status must present a plan of action which details how they intend to achieve EU GreenBuilding targets. The Austrian contact point is happy to assist you in compiling these documents.
The documents are checked to ensure they are complete and that they comply with the EU GreenBuilding criteria. If necessary, additional documents are requested and suggestions for improvement are submitted. If the application is successful the company obtains official EU GreenBuilding Partner status and receives a certificate.
Submissions are generally subject to a fee. This fee depends on the size of the building measured by the gross conditioned floor area as well as the type and number of usage zones in the building according to the reference table below:
Contact in Austria and neighbouring EU states:
Ing. Mag. Maria Fellner
Research, Building assessment, Regular member
+43 1 3192005 13
DI Mag. Cristina Florit
Building assessment, Board of Directors, Regular member
+43 1 3192005 26